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发布时间:2018年04月18日 17:59:04 评论 · 1677浏览

(上接 第一部分

1. set somebody up : to trick someone in order to achieve what you want, especially to make it appear that they have done something wrong or illegal 陷害


He said, following his arrest last fall, that the FBI had set him up. (去年秋天被捕后,他说 FBI 曾设局陷害自己。)

Terry and Donald think I set them up, but it's all a big misunderstanding. (泰瑞和唐诺觉得我设局陷害他俩,这可是个天大的误会。)

2. put one over on : to deceive someone, especially someone who is cleverer than you are, or someone who is not easily deceived 欺骗比自己聪明的人或很难骗倒的人

备注: ''put one over on'' 常用于非正式的场合。


That's the last time he puts one over on me! (他再也别想骗到我!)

Lawyers claim that the tobacco industry, by failing to tell everything it knew about smoking, was putting one over on its customers. (律师们说烟草公司没有把吸烟有害健康的真相告诉消费者,就是在欺骗消费者。)

3. pull the wool over somebody's eyes : to deceive someone, usually by hiding some facts or information 掩盖部分事实或信息以糊弄某人

备注: ''pull the wool over somebody's eyes'' 常用于非正式的场合。


Don't try and pull the wool over my eyes—I can tell you've been smoking. (别想糊弄我,我能闻得出来你刚刚抽烟了。)

The politicians are just trying to pull the wool over voters' eyes again. (政客们又想糊弄选民。)

4. lead somebody on : to make someone believe you and trust you, especially by making them think you are romantically interested in them (在爱情上)欺骗某人感情


I can't tell if he really cares about me or if he's just leading me on. (我不知道他是真关心我,还是,只是在欺骗我的感情?)

I didn't mean to lead Cassie on, but I didn't want to hurt her feelings either. (我不是故意要欺骗凯西的感情,我也不想直言相告伤她的心。)

He thought she loved him, but in fact she was just leading him on. (他以为她爱自己,实际上她只是在欺骗自己的感情。)

5. take somebody for a ride : to deceive someone, especially so that you can get their money 骗钱

备注: ''take somebody for a ride'' 常用于非正式的场合。


I'd already given him £50 when I realized he was taking me for a ride. (当我意识到他在骗钱的时候,我已经给了他 50 英镑。)

After the deal was signed, I felt like I'd been taken for a ride. (一签合同,我就觉得自己被骗了。)

I figured out that he was taking me for a ride. (我发现他在骗我钱。)

6. double-cross : to cheat someone you pretended to be helping or working with, especially by helping their enemies 假意帮某人的忙或与之合作,实际暗中坑害对方


I'm warning you - if you double-cross me, I'll kill you. (我警告你,如果你敢骗我,你就死定了!)

Harry and Danny double-crossed the gang and escaped with all the money. (哈利和丹尼骗了这伙人,把钱都卷跑了。)

I thought I could trust her, but she double-crossed me. (我原以为我可以相信她,结果却被她骗了。)

7. dupe : to trick or deceive someone, especially so that they become involved in someone else's dishonest activity without realizing it 骗某人陷进不实活动中

备注: ''dupe'' 常用于非正式的场合。


The spies duped government and military officials alike. (这些间谍把政府及军队领导都骗过了。)

dupe somebody into doing something

Consumers are being duped into buying faulty electronic goods. (欺骗消费者购买劣质电子产品。)更多欺骗英文的用法,请关注阿卡索外教网生活英语频道.

<上一篇 英文怎么表达“欺骗”?(1)

下一篇> “聘用”在英语中怎么表达




