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国外原版儿童绘画启蒙书《Art Lsb For Little kids》

发布时间:2018年11月15日 17:06:06 评论 · 1317浏览

今天分享的资源是国外原版儿童绘画启蒙书《Art Lsb For Little kids》,该绘本结合了艺术欣赏和英语启蒙,适合有一点词汇基础的孩子阅读。
今天分享的资源是国外原版儿童绘画启蒙书《Art Lsb For Little kids》,该绘本结合了艺术欣赏和英语启蒙,适合有一点词汇基础的孩子阅读。


Art Lab for Little Kids is the perfect book for both parents and teachers who are seeking enriching and unique art experiences to offer 4-6 year-olds in this key period of development. As in Susan Schwake's first book, Art Lab for Kids (Quarry Books, 2012), each project or 'Lab' can be used on its own, or to build up to a year of hands-on fine art experiences. To help inspire children's creativity, each lesson is open-ended and intended to be used time and again with different results. Each Lab takes inspiration from the work of a prominent artist, helping children gain a practical and fun grounding in art. This motivational book is a unique reference for creating fine art with children through finding the student's own voice, marks and style and with playful lessons that build key creative skills. Gorgeous photography and clear layout showcase both the techniques employed and the range of outcomes that can be achieved from the same lesson. Art Lab for Little Kids is a fresh source of creative activities for families, teachers and community groups. This motivational book stands out as a unique reference for creating fine art with children through finding the student's own voice, marks and style and with playful lessons that result in significant skill building. Gorgeous photography shows different results from different people using the same lesson, exemplifying the way the lesson brings out each artist's personal style. Art Lab for Little Kids is a fresh source of creative activities for families and community groups or will work as lesson plans for both experienced and new art teachers in home school, preschool, and kindergarten environments.

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