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另类绘本《Hello Ruby - Adventures in Coding》—— 高清PDF资源下载

发布时间:2018年09月12日 10:43:27 评论 · 1503浏览

来阿卡索即可免费领取价值188元的少儿英语课程:http://www.acadsoc.com.cn/lps/children/children.htm?_s=bbs 在线外教一对一,原汁原味的英语发音让学员更快的融入到学习当中,更快的接受新的知识,课程可录制,上课过程互动很多,小孩子都喜欢~

Why we should know code?
Code is the 21st century literacy and the need for people to speak the ABC of Programming is imminent. Our world is increasingly run by software and we need more diversity in the people who are building it.
More importantly, writing software is about expression, creativity - and practical application. Our kids should learn to bend, join, break and combine code in a way it wasn't designed to. Just as they would with crayons and paper or wood and tools.
We believe there's plenty to learn in programming logic and culture before showing children a single screen.

Hello Ruby
Hello Ruby is the world's most whimsical way to learn about technology, computing and coding. We are all about curiosity, playfulness and logic.
We provide tools for kids, parents and educators to learn to understand programming in a fun and creative way. Our story starts off with a book that is now published in Finnish, English and Swedish. It will also be published in at least Korean, Japanese, Latvian, Polish and Dutch. The book made its debut on Kickstarter in 2014 and quickly smashed its $10,000 funding goal after just 3.5 hours and gathering 380 000 dollars in total funding. Hello Ruby is the most funded book on Kickstarter's children's book category.
Ruby's story continues online with exercises. We are also working on a series of small apps on computational thinking.



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