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发布时间:2018年05月08日 11:00:40 评论 · 2347浏览


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According to normal pronunciation, if it is native speakers can not hear clearly, for the same Chinese pronunciation or can not understand the pronunciation, then this is too little English vocabulary because of their own, if the other side of the spoken language Of the words belong to strange words they did not grasp, then inevitably can not understand their own understand the meaning of each other to express, but can not talk about how to answer each other, so the first step is the need to continue to expand their own vocabulary



As a Chinese, Chinese standard Mandarin pronunciation, many people are still pronunciation is not standard, extended to learn English, we used to pronounce the oral tongue used to behave differently from Chinese. When you hear English pronunciation, basically can not see the mouth tongue movements, relying solely on hearing to identify and imitate, so it is difficult to pronounce more genuine English pronunciation remains exactly the same. So when studying English also need to pay attention to English phonetic and normal pronunciation rules, which will help long-term learning to imitate the voice and accent.



Most English-speaking countries, most people learn English are mostly learning American English or British English two categories, but for example: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the Philippines, Eastern Europe and many other countries, will have their own regional accent. The most likely English pronunciation is not a formal IPA. So for those who can not comprehend what they are talking about, they may also be the pronunciation problems of each other. However, we should pay attention to that we usually practice a lot of different similar English such as VOA, BBC, CNN, NPR, PBS, ABC, etc. Listening materials such as different sections, extensive practice listening.



Usually native English speakers, they are not in the normal exchange of time, like the word software inside the same phonetic transcription of each word, when it comes to a series of words, they are accustomed to using speed to speed up reading, At the same time, the syllables of some words will be omitted, resulting in the words that are not usually heard by us, so many people can not understand it normally. Therefore, we need to summarize and summarize the pronunciation of some lexical combinations and the laws of continuous reading. At the same time, pay attention to speeding up your speed of speech training while reading recitation of English sentences.


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