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发布时间:2018年04月18日 17:59:20 评论 · 3713浏览


1. be tricked/deceived:


He knew he'd been tricked, but it was too late to do anything. (他知道自己被骗了,但是为时已晚。)

be tricked/deceived by

Don't feel bad - you weren't the only one who was deceived by his lies. (别难过了。不止你一个人被他骗。)

2. be taken in: to be deceived by someone's words or behavior, so that you believe something about them that is not true


He seemed so confident, that I was completely taken in. (他信誓旦旦的样子,我完全被他骗了。)

be taken in by

We were all taken in by the scheme and invested far more money than we should have. (我们都被这个计划骗了,资金投入比预期多得多。)

Don't be taken in by products claiming to help you lose weight in a week. (那些产品说可以在一周内减肥成功,别上当受骗了。)

3. fall for: to stupidly believe something that is untrue and is intended to deceive you


Doug is too clever to fall for a story like that! (道格很聪明,这样的故事骗不到他。)

He is too smart to fall for that trick. (他很聪明,这样的把戏骗不到他。)

She completely fell for his nonsense about being rich and famous. (他吹牛皮说自己有钱又有名望,她完全相信了。)

4. be fooled: to be deceived by someone's behavior, words, or appearance, especially when the result is not serious


Don't let yourself be fooled - she's not as nice as she seems. (别被她骗了,她没有表面上看起来那么好。)

be fooled by

A lot of people were fooled by what he said, but I was sure he was lying. (很多人都被他的话骗到了,可我敢保证他在撒谎。)

5. be set up: to be tricked into doing something that results in you being punished or embarrassed 被陷害


I'm innocent! I was set up! (我是无辜的,我被人设计陷害了!)

be set up by

The young man's claim that he had been set up by the police was eventually supported by several witnesses. (这个年轻人说自己是被警方设计陷害了,最终有几个证人证实了他的话。)

6. be duped: to be deceived by someone, especially so that you become involved in their dishonest activity without realizing it


When the police arrived to arrest her, she realized she had been duped. (警察来逮捕她时,她才意识到自己被骗了。)

be duped by

Richie couldn't believe he had been set up and duped by his friends. (里奇不敢相信自己被朋友骗了。)


1. sucker: someone who believes everything they are told, even when it is clearly not true 傻冒



I know I'm a sucker. I'll give $10 to anyone who tells me they're hungry or wants a cup of coffee. (我知道我是傻子,只要有人说自己肚子饿没钱买吃的,或者想喝咖啡又没钱买,我就会给他10块钱。)

Some poor suckers had paid more than three times what they should have for the tickets. (有些人被骗了,买票时多花了三倍票价还不止。)

2. mug: someone who is easily deceived, especially so that they do much more or give much more than is fair or reasonable 冤大头



He's asked me to work over the weekend again—he must think I'm some kind of mug. (他又叫我周末加班,他肯定觉得我好欺负。)

Don't be a mug! That picture's not worth as much as that! (别傻了,那幅画根本不值那么多钱!)

Only a mug would pay that much for a meal. (只有冤大头才会吃一顿饭花这么多。)

<上一篇 英文里怎么表达“骗子”?

下一篇> 英文怎么表达“欺骗”?(1)




