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发布时间:2022年09月30日 16:10:40 评论 · 2034浏览






01 起床:

Rise and shine. Get up. Sleepyhead. 起床了小懒虫。

Its 7:30 and its time for breakfast. 7点半了,该吃饭了宝贝。

I will tickle you if you dont wake up. 再不起床,我要挠你痒痒啦。

Lets go for a pee pee. 先去尿尿吧。

Lets see who gets up first. 看看谁第一个起床。

Why are you up so early? 宝贝今天醒这么早?

Was it cold/chill last night? 昨晚冷吗?

Stretch your body. 伸伸胳膊伸伸腿。

Good girl (boy)/ Thats my girl (boy). 乖宝宝。

Say "Good morning" to Daddy/ Mummy. 跟爸爸妈妈说早安。

Lets have breakfast now. 我们吃早饭吧。

Did you sleep well last night? Did you have a good night sleep? 昨天晚上睡得好吗?

Give me a hug, sweetie. 快来抱一个,宝贝。

Go wake up your Dad, honey. 宝贝,去把爸爸叫醒。



02 吃早饭

It looks yummy. 看着真好吃。

You wanna get some cereal/ milk/ eggs/ pancakes/ fruit? 宝贝想吃麦片、鸡蛋、牛奶、煎饼?

You want cereal/ milk/ eggs/ pancakes/ fruit?宝贝想吃麦片、鸡蛋、牛奶、煎饼?

You like it? 宝贝喜欢这些吗?

You want more? 再来点吧?

A big bite. 一大口。

One more bite. 再来一口。

Who wants to eat fried eggs/ yogurt/ blueberries? 谁想吃煎蛋、酸奶、蓝莓啊?

Come sit by Daddy/Mummy. 来挨着爸爸妈妈坐。

Is it hot/ salty/ spicy? 烫吗?咸吗?辣吗?

Can you peel the egg yourself? 宝贝可以自己剥蛋壳吗?

Let me cool it off. 爸爸妈妈给你吹吹。

03 刷牙

Sweetie, its time to brush your teeth. 宝贝该刷牙啦。

Lets squeeze a little toothpaste onto your toothbrush. 往牙刷上挤一点点牙膏。

Dont put too much toothpaste. 不要挤太多哦。

Brush back and forth. 前后刷刷。

Brush up and down. 上下刷刷。

Brush for 2 minutes. 要刷两分钟哦。

Now lets rinse our mouths. 漱漱口吧。

Dont swallow and spit it out. 不要咽下去啊。

04 洗脸

Lets wash face. 洗脸吧。

Lets roll up the sleeves. 挽起袖子。

Heres the soap and wash your hands first. 这是香皂,先把手洗一洗。

Lets get rid of your eye boogers. 我们把眼屎洗掉。

You still have soap on your cheek. 宝贝脸上还有肥皂水。

Its done. Great job. 洗好了,真棒。

Dry your face with the towel. 用毛巾擦擦脸吧。

Lets put some lotion on your face. 来涂一些润肤霜吧。

Rub it well. 好好擦一下。

You smell great/ You look pretty. 宝贝好香啊。真漂亮。

05 上厕所

You wanna take a pee pee/ poo poo? 宝贝想小便/拉臭臭吗?

Dont hold your pee. 宝贝不要憋小便。

Lets go to the bathroom. 咱们去卫生间。

Lets put the toilet seat down, honey. 宝贝,先把坐垫放下来。

Pull down your pants. 脱下裤子。

Lets lean forward, baby. 往前站一点,宝贝。(男孩)

Poop doesnt come out? Give it try again honey. 拉不出来吗宝贝?再试一下。

Are you done, sweetie? 可以了吗宝贝。

Lets wipe your butt. 爸爸妈妈来给你擦屁屁。

Lets flush the toilet. 冲一下马桶。

Lets pull up your pants. 提上裤子吧。

06 穿衣服

Its cold/ hot/ chilly outside today. 今天外面有点冷/热。

You like this dress/ shirt/ pants? 你喜欢这件裙子/衬衣/裤子吗?

Arms up/ stand up. 抬起胳膊/站起来。

Hands in the sleeves. 小手放进袖子里。

Put your left/right foot here. 左/右脚放这里。

Lets button up / zip up your shirt. 扣上衬衫/拉链拉上。

Heres your jacket. 这是外套。

It fits you well. 宝贝穿上正合适。

Lets put on your socks/ pants/ shirt/ jacket. 穿上袜子/裤子/外套吧。

Lets take off your socks/ pants/ shirt/ jacket. 脱掉袜子/裤子/外套吧。

Lets unbutton/ rebutton your shirt. 解开扣子/再扣上吧。

07 洗澡

Lets take a shower/ bath, sweetie. 宝贝,我们洗个澡吧。

You smelly little girl. 宝宝臭臭的。

Go get your toys. 快去拿你的玩具吧。

No splashing. 不准拍水啦。

Put some shampoo on your hair. 头上抹点洗发液。

Is the water too hot? 水烫吗?

Lets add more water. 再加点水吧。

Look at the bubbles, cute bubbles. 快看这些泡泡,好可爱啊。

Lets wash your hair and close your eyes, honey. 洗头发啦,宝宝闭上眼睛。

Dont get shampoo into your eyes. 不要让洗发液进眼睛里了。

Lets dry your hair and put on some lotion. 头发吹干,再涂点乳液吧。

Wow, you smell good and fresh. 哇,宝宝闻起来真棒。

08 整理玩具

Sweetie, who made such a mess? 宝宝,是谁把屋子里弄这么乱啊?

Lets put your toys back in the box. 把玩具都放回盒子里吧。

Its time to clean up your toys. 该收拾玩具啦。

Pick up your toys and books, sweetie. 宝贝,快把玩具和书本捡起来。

Where should these toys go? 这些玩具应该放哪里呢?

Great job, honey. 宝宝做的真棒。

Now it looks nice and neat. 现在看起来干净整齐多了。

09 做游戏

Lets play hide and seek. 我们捉迷藏吧。

Go hide hoeny and Ill count to ten. 宝宝快去藏起来,我数到10个数。

No peeking. 不准偷看。

Come out, where are you? 宝宝在哪里,出来呀?

Hide yourself safely. 自己快藏好。

There is a sound over there. 我听到那边有声音。

I know where you are. 我知道宝宝在哪里啦。

Ready or not? 藏好了嘛?

Here I come. 我来找你啦。

Daddy/ Mummy is coming. 爸爸妈妈来啦。

Are you in the bathroom? 宝宝在卫生间吗?

Are you behind the curtain? 宝宝在窗帘后面吗?

Aww, got you. 啊哈,找到你啦。

Its your turn. 该你啦。

10 举高高、玩皮球

Sweetie, I‘ll put you on my shoulder. 宝贝,爸爸把你放在肩膀上吧。

Up, up, up. 举高高啦。

You want a piggyback ride? 宝宝想骑大马吗?

Daddy will be the horse. 爸爸来当大马。

Ready, set, go. 准备好,走起。

Hold on tight. 宝宝抓紧啦。

This will be the last one. 这是最后一次啦。

Daddy is tired and Mummys turn. 爸爸有点累了,换妈妈来。

Go get your ball. 去把皮球拿过来。

Throw it to me. 把球扔给我。

Ready to catch the ball. 准备好接球啦。

Nice catch. 接的漂亮。

You missed the ball. 宝宝没接住。

It was close. Its allright. 就差一点,没关系。

You did a great job. 宝宝真棒 。

11 过生日

Its your big day, sweetie. 宝贝,今天可是你的大日子。

Look at you. You are a big girl/ boy now. 我看看,是个大宝宝啦。

Where is the birthday boy/girl? 今天的小寿星在哪啊?

Lets get your birthday cake. 把生日蛋糕拿过来吧。

What do you want for your birthday? 宝宝想要什么生日礼物?

Lets turn off the lights first. 我们先把灯关上。

Make a wish, sweetie. 宝贝,许个愿吧。

Lets light the candles. 我们点蜡烛吧。

We are gonna sing the birthday song. 唱生日歌吧。

Happy birthday, honey. 生日快乐,宝宝。

Now you can blow out the candles. 现在可以吹蜡烛啦。

Say thank you to grandma/ grandpa. 给爷爷奶奶说谢谢。



<上一篇 英语启蒙:听君一席话胜读十年书,陪娃学英语的经验之谈

下一篇> 全民学英语今日话题——英语常用的62个万能句型,学英语须掌握




