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发布时间:2024年04月11日 18:09:15 评论 · 167浏览

365天英语口语句子日常交流,让你成为口语达人!一、与人交流篇1. 问候与自我介绍- Hello! How are you?(你好!你好吗?)- Hi! Nice to meet you. My name is [your name].(嗨!很高兴见到你。我叫【你的名字】。)- Whats your name?(你叫什么名字?)- How do you do?(你好吗?)2. 小聊与寒暄- Hows everything going?(



1. 问候与自我介绍

- Hello! How are you?(你好!你好吗?)

- Hi! Nice to meet you. My name is [your name].(嗨!很高兴见到你。我叫【你的名字】。)

- What's your name?(你叫什么名字?)

- How do you do?(你好吗?)

2. 小聊与寒暄

- How's everything going?(一切都好吗?)

- What's new?(有什么新鲜事吗?)

- I heard that you went on a trip recently. How was it?(我听说你最近旅行了。感觉怎么样?)

- Did you watch the football match last night?(昨晚你看了足球比赛吗?)

- How was your day?(你今天过得怎样?)

3. 询问情况与感受

- How was your weekend?(你周末过得如何?)

- What did you do during your vacation?(你假期期间做了什么?)

- How do you feel about the new restaurant in town?(你对镇上的新餐馆有什么感觉?)

- Are you enjoying the weather today?(你喜欢今天的天气吗?)


4. 购物与支付

- How much does this shirt cost?(这件衬衫多少钱?)

- Could I have a discount for this item?(这个商品可以打折吗?)

- Can I pay by credit card?(我可以用信用卡付款吗?)

- Do you have this dress in a different size?(这件连衣裙有其他尺码吗?)

5. 餐饮与点菜

- Can I have a menu, please?(我可以看看菜单吗?)

- What’s the specialty of this restaurant?(这家餐厅的特色菜是什么?)

- I'll have a glass of water, please.(请给我一杯水。)

- Could you recommend some local dishes?(你能推荐些本地菜吗?)

6. 生活与约会

- Do you want to hang out this weekend?(你这个周末想出去玩吗?)

- What time shall we meet?(我们几点见面?)

- Would you like to go to the movies with me?(你愿意和我一起去看电影吗?)

- I'll pick you up at your place at 7 pm.(我会在晚上7点在你家接你。)


7. 旅行规划与出行

- Where are you going for your vacation?(你去哪里度假?)

- How long are you planning to stay?(你打算在那里待多久?)

- Which transportation do you prefer for long-distance travel?(你偏爱哪种方式的长途旅行?)

- Do you know any good places to visit in this city?(你知道这个城市有什么好玩的地方吗?)

8. 询问交通信息

- How can I get to the nearest train station?(我怎么去最近的火车站?)

- Excuse me, which bus goes to the city center?(打扰一下,哪辆公交车可以到市中心?)

- Is there a taxi stand around here?(这附近有出租车站吗?)

- What time is the next subway arrival?(下一班地铁几点到达?)

9. 住宿与预订

- Can I book a single room for two nights?(我可以预订一间单人房两晚吗?)

- How much is the room per night?(每晚房费多少?)

- Are there any available rooms for this weekend?(这个周末有空房间吗?)

- Is breakfast included in the room rate?(房费包含早餐吗?)


10. 求助与寻求帮助

- Excuse me, can you help me with this heavy luggage?(打扰一下,你能帮我拿这个重行李吗?)

- I'm lost. Can you please tell me how to get to the nearest police station?(我迷路了。你能告诉我去最近的警察局怎么走吗?)

- I need to see a doctor. Is there a hospital nearby?(我需要看医生。附近有医院吗?)

- My phone is dead. Can I use your phone for a moment?(我的手机没电了。我能借你的手机一下吗?)


11. 问与答

- What time is it now?(现在几点了?)

- Where is the nearest post office?(最近的邮局在哪里?)

- How do I get to the nearest supermarket?(我怎么去最近的超市?)

- Can you please repeat that? I didn't catch what you said.(你能再重复一遍吗?我没听清楚你说的。)



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